Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy – MEDIsoTECH

MEDIsoTECH ABN 61 638 035 873 (MEDI) respects your right to privacy and is committed to safeguarding the privacy of users of the MEDI website.

This Privacy Policy describes how MEDI collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Act.

1. The kinds of personal information we collect and how we collect it
1.1 We collect and hold personal information you provide to MEDI when you purchase our products and use our services. This can include:
(a) your name;
(b) your residential, mailing and email addresses;
(c) details of products and services you have purchased from us or which you have enquired about;
(d) additional information necessary to deliver products and services and to respond to your queries;
(e) any additional information about you that you provide directly through our website or indirectly through the use of our website, social media or through our representatives; and
(f) information you provide us through customer service, customer surveys or visits by our representatives from time to time.

1.2 We also use tracking technologies such as cookies to recognise your browser each time it visits our site and to track which pages you access on our site. This information is used to help optimise our site and fine tune our products and services to better meet your needs. If you do not wish to receive any cookies, you may set your browser to reject them.

1.3 We may collect this information–
(a) through use and access of our website;
(b) during telephone conversations and correspondence between you and our representatives;
(c) when you–
(i) ask for a quote to be prepared;
(ii) make a purchase;
(iii) register your details on our website;
(iv) subscribe to our mailing list;
(v) participate in surveys and other types of research;
(vi) express interest in a particular service;
(vii) enter a promotion or contest hosted by us; and
(viii) provide information on our social media pages such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram;
(d) when someone else provides it on your behalf; and
(e) from third parties such as credit reporting agencies, contracted service providers, law enforcement and government agencies.

2. The purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information

2.1 MEDI uses, collects and holds your information to get a better understanding of your needs and to provide you with better service. MEDI also uses, collects, holds and discloses your personal information:
(a) to complete a transaction when delivering our products or services;
(b) to deal with your queries or customer services issues, we may also keep information recorded in your communications with customer service representatives;
(c) responding on social media;
(d) to help keep you up to date with products, services, or promotions we think would be of particular interest to you (you are able to opt out of these at any time);
(e) to help enhance your customer experience and help us complete your transaction faster; and
(f) for marketing, research or planning purposes.

MEDI from time to time will use, collect, hold and disclose your personal information as deidentified data for the purpose of generating statistics, improving our services, for marketing activities, and for disclosing to third party associates to assist in improving health screening and health care planning.

3. Quality of the personal information we collect

3.1 We take all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect, use or disclose is up to date, complete and accurate.

4. How we hold personal information and security

4.1 We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of the information that you provide us and we will take all reasonable precautions to protect your personal information from unauthorised access, use and alteration.

4.2 Personal information may be stored both electronically (on our computer system) and in hard- copy form. Firewalls, anti-virus software and email filters, as well as passwords protect all electronic information. Additionally, we take all necessary measures to ensure the security of hard-copy information.

4.3 If we hold personal information which we no longer need for any purpose and provided–
(a) the information is not contained in a Commonwealth record; and
(b) we are not required by or under an Australian law, or a court/tribunal order to retain the information,
we will take all such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to destroy the information or to ensure that the information is de-identified.

4.4 Where MEDI discloses personal information to third parties, your personal information will be used and disclosed in accordance with the third parties’ privacy policies.

4.5 MEDI may disclose personal information to a recipient located outside Australia. This may include contracted service providers operating overseas. Where personal information is disclosed or stored overseas, MEDI will require recipients to protect the information in a manner that is consistent with the security measures set out above.

4.6 If you have any questions about security on our Website, you can email us at

5. Access to your personal information

5.1 You can request access to your personal information that MEDI holds about you. Before giving you access to your records, MEDI may require you to provide proof of your identity (including verification of your full name and other aspects of your personal information).

5.2 Upon your request, we will provide you with access to your personal information we hold if it is reasonably practicable to do so, within a reasonable period after your request is made.

5.3 Notwithstanding, we retain the right to deny you access to your personal information to the extent that:
(a) we reasonably believe that giving access would pose a serious threat to the health, safety or life of any individual or the public;
(b) giving access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of other individuals or entities;
(c) the request for access is vexatious or frivolous;
(d) the information relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings between MEDI and you, and would not be accessible by the process of discovery in those proceedings;
(e) giving access would reveal our intentions in relation to negotiations with you in such a way as to prejudice those negotiations;
(f) giving access would be unlawful;
(g) denying access is required or authorised by or under an Australian law or a court or tribunal order;
(h) both of the following apply:
(i) we have reason to suspect unlawful activity, or misconduct of a serious nature, that relates to our functions or activities has been, is being or may be engaged in; and
(ii) giving access would be likely to prejudice the taking of appropriate action in relation to the matter;
(i) giving access would be likely to prejudice one or more enforcement related activities conducted by, or on behalf of, enforcement body; or
(j) giving access would reveal evaluative information generated within our organisation in connection with a commercially sensitive decision-making process.

5.4 If MEDI refuses to give you access to your personal information, it will notify you in writing and will provide reasons.

6. Corrections of your personal information

6.1 You can request that MEDI corrects personal information it holds. We will make corrections to your personal information we collect about you, if:
(a) we are satisfied that, having regard to a purpose for which the information is held, the information is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading; or
(b) you request us to correct the information.

6.2 Within a reasonable period of time following the circumstances set out in paragraphs 6.1(a) and 6.1(b) above, we will take such steps (if any) as are reasonable in the circumstances to correct that information to ensure that, having regard to the purpose which it is held, the information is accurate, up to date, complete, relevant and not misleading.

6.3 If MEDI refuses to correct your personal information, we will notify you in writing and provide you with reasons.

7. Links

7.1 This website may contain links to other websites. MEDI is not responsible for the privacy practices of third-party website. We encourage users of the MEDI website to read the privacy statements of each third-party website that you may visit as a result of a link.

8. Changes to our Privacy Policy

8.1 From time to time, we may revise our Privacy Policy. Any changes will be in accordance with the Act. We may notify you about changes to the Privacy Policy by posting an updated version on our website

9. How to make a complaint

9.1 If you wish to make a complaint to MEDI about how we have handled your personal information, you should send a written complaint to our Privacy Officer at:

9.2 MEDI will endeavour to respond within 30 days of receiving the complaint.

9.3 If the complaint remains unresolved, you have the option of notifying the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). Contact details can be found at OAIC’s website:

10. Contact Details

10.1 For general enquiries:
Phone: 0418 194 123
Address: 4/5 Executive Drive, Burleigh Waters QLD 4220, Australia

11. For requests to access or to correct personal information:
Attention: Privacy Officer, MEDI